Influence of seasonal variation on the chromatographic profile and physicochemical properties of Basil (Ocimum basilicum) essential oil


  • Aline Tiecher Marin Instituto Federal do Paraná – IFPR / Instituto Aromas da Terra Pesquisa e Educação
  • Ellen Tanus Rangel Universidade Paulista – UNIP



Basil, Essential oil, Seasonality, Chromatography


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is important in the Brazilian economy and its essential oil is used in cooking, industry and perfumery, and has antimicrobial properties. The chemical composition of essential oils can be altered by the action of various factors, whether internal or external to the plant, such as genetics, temperature, water availability and seasonality. The aim of this research was to assess whether seasonality interferes with the chromatographic profile and physicochemical characteristics of basil essential oil. The study was carried out by investigating the technical reports of the Haje Insumos company on the chemical composition using gas chromatography, physical-chemical analysis (density, refractive index and humidity) and organoleptic analysis (appearance, color and odor). Due to the presence of the linalool component in greater quantity, the oil analyzed is characterized as being of the linalool chemotype. The product showed no alterations to its organoleptic characteristics and all the results were in accordance with its specification. In addition, one of the batches had a higher moisture content, which may be related to the environmental conditions at the time of year, which requires attention as water can trigger a hydrolysis reaction in fat-soluble molecules. It is understood that seasonality may be related to changes in the essential oil, and it was possible to contribute to the recognition of this plant's product.

Author Biographies

Aline Tiecher Marin, Instituto Federal do Paraná – IFPR / Instituto Aromas da Terra Pesquisa e Educação

Instituto Federal do Paraná – IFPR, Palmas, Paraná, Brazil.

Instituto Aromas da Terra Pesquisa e Educação, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Ellen Tanus Rangel, Universidade Paulista – UNIP

Universidade Paulista – UNIP, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil.


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