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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The Brazilian Journal of Health Aromatherapy and Essential Oils (BJHAE) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original research, reviews, case reports, and perspectives on the use and effects of essential oils in various fields of health and well-being. The journal follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.

Authorship Criteria

The journal adheres to the ICMJE criteria for authorship, which are based on the following four conditions:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
  • All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors meet the criteria and agree to be listed as authors.

Blinded Manuscript and Title Page

BJHAE uses a double-blind peer-review process, which means that the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed from each other. Therefore, the authors should submit a blinded manuscript, which does not contain any information that could reveal the authors' identities, such as names, affiliations, acknowledgments, funding sources, or any other identifiers. The authors should also submit a separate title page, which contains the following information:

  • The title of the manuscript;
  • The full names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors;
  • The name, affiliation, postal address, phone number, and email address of the corresponding author;
  • A list of 3 to 5 keywords;
  • A statement of any conflicts of interest, financial or non-financial, related to the manuscript;
  • A statement of any funding sources or sponsors that supported the work;
  • A statement of any ethical approval or consent obtained for the work, if applicable;
  • A statement of any acknowledgments or thanks to individuals or organizations that contributed to the work.

The title page will be accessible only to the editors and will not be shared with the reviewers.

Formatting and Style

The manuscript should be prepared in a word-processing software, such as Microsoft Word, and should be saved as a .doc, docx, or .rtf file. The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, with double spacing and 2.5 cm margins on all sides. The manuscript should be paginated, starting from the title page, and each section should start on a new page. The manuscript should use the American spelling and punctuation conventions. The manuscript should follow the AMA Manual of Style for references, tables, figures, and other aspects of style and formatting.

Figures, Tables, and References

Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text. Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript, after the references, and each figure or table should be on a separate page. Figures and tables should have a concise and informative caption, explaining the main findings and any abbreviations or symbols used. Figures and tables should be cited in the text as Figure 1, Table 1, etc.

Figures and tables should be prepared in high-quality resolution, preferably 300 dpi or higher, and should be saved as separate files in .jpg, png, tif, or pdf format.

Figures and tables should be submitted along with the manuscript as supplementary files.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text. References should be cited in the text using superscript Arabic numerals in brackets, such as (1), (2), (3), etc. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript, following the NLM (PubMed) style.

References should include the names and initials of all authors, unless there are more than six authors, in which case the first three authors should be listed, followed by et al. References should also include the full title of the article, the abbreviated name of the journal, the year of publication, the volume and issue numbers, and the inclusive page numbers.


Recognitions and expressions of gratitude to individuals, grants, funding sources, and others should be presented in a dedicated section following the references.

Conflict of Interest

Declaration of any potential conflicts of interest must be included in a separate section, following the acknowledgments.

To determine conflicts of interest, we adhere to the criteria established by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. This includes avoiding agreements with study sponsors, whether for-profit or non-profit, that impede access to study data or hinder the ability to independently analyze, interpret, and publish manuscripts. Authors are expected to disclose all relationships or interests that may inappropriately influence or bias their work.


All sources of financial support for the study should be transparently disclosed in a dedicated section, placed after the conflict of interest disclosures.

Plagiarism Policy

BJHAE strictly prohibits plagiarism in manuscript submissions. Plagiarism encompasses the unauthorized use of text, ideas, images, or data from any source, including one's own previous publications, without proper attribution. BJHAE reserves the right to employ plagiarism detection services when identifying textual or data anomalies in submitted manuscripts.

More structural details of each article type are described in the sections below (last modified January 2024).


The Editorial session is exclusive to the Editor-in-Chief or at the invitation of the editorial board.

Original Research

Original Research articles in the BJHAE are critical for disseminating primary and unpublished studies in the fields of health, particularly focusing on aromatherapy, essential oils, and related biological sciences. These articles provide a platform for sharing new empirical and experimental findings with the academic community. To maintain the quality and relevance of such articles, we outline the following updated guidelines:

  1. Abstract: Limit your abstract to 250 words. It should succinctly summarize your research, including objectives, methods, key findings, and implications. Headings in the abstract are not required.

  2. Introduction: Offer a comprehensive introduction to your research topic. Include a brief literature review, highlighting relevant prior studies, identifying gaps in existing knowledge, and articulating the research questions or hypotheses your study aims to address.

  3. Materials and Methods: Describe the materials, methods, and procedures used in your research in detail, allowing others to replicate your study. Include data collection, experimental design, statistical analyses, and ethical considerations.

  4. Results: Present findings in an organized manner. Use tables, figures, and visuals appropriately to clarify your results. Ensure accuracy and proper labeling of all data.

  5. Discussion and Conclusion: Analyze and interpret results in relation to your research questions or hypotheses. Discuss the implications and contributions to existing knowledge. Conclude by summarizing key takeaways and suggesting future research directions.

  6. References: Use a standardized citation style (e.g., NLM) for all references. Ensure completeness and accuracy.

  • Word Limit: Original Research articles should not exceed 3,000 words.

  • Tables and Figures: Use tables, figures, and references judiciously to enhance the comprehensibility of your research.

  • Author Limits: No restrictions on the number of authors.

  • Publication Fee: A publication fee is required for Original Research articles (A-type article) to cover peer review and publication costs.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your Original Research article is of high quality and contributes effectively to scholarly discourse, particularly in the specialized fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils.

Health Review and Mini-Review

The BJHAE welcomes submissions for Health Review and Mini-Review articles in the fields of human health, aromatherapy, essential oils, and health education. These articles provide platforms for in-depth analysis and concise summaries of current research and developments. To ensure the quality and relevance of submissions, we have updated the guidelines for both article types as follows:

Health Review Articles:

  1. Abstract: Prepare a concise abstract, limited to 250 words, summarizing objectives, key findings, and implications.

  2. Introduction: Offer context with a brief literature review, highlighting prior research and identifying gaps addressed by your review.

  3. Methodology: Describe the review methodology, specifying review type (systematic, integrative, narrative), criteria for manuscript selection, and search keywords.

  4. Results: Present findings logically, using tables or figures for clarity.

  5. Discussion and Conclusion: Interpret results, discuss implications, and conclude by summarizing key takeaways and suggesting future research directions.

  6. References: Use a standardized citation style (e.g., NLM).

  • Word Limit: Not to exceed 3,000 words.
  • Tables and Figures: Use judiciously.
  • Author Limits: No restrictions.

Mini-Review Articles:

  1. Abstract: A succinct summary of up to 250 words.

  2. Introduction: Overview of the topic’s relevance and context.

  3. Subsections: Organize content into relevant subsections.

  4. Discussion: Summarize key findings, implications, controversies, gaps, and potential future developments.

  5. Word Limit: Not to exceed 3,000 words.

  6. Figures/Tables: Maximum of 2.

  7. Peer Review: Undergo a peer-review process.

  8. Publication Fee: Required (B-type article).

  9. Data and Citations: Do not include unpublished material.

  10. References: Standardized citation style (e.g., NLM).

These combined guidelines for Health Review and Mini-Review articles aim to facilitate the contribution of comprehensive and concise reviews to the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils, enriching scholarly discourse and knowledge dissemination.

Experience Reports

Experience Reports in the BJHAE offer a platform for sharing insightful experiences and reflections, particularly in the unique contexts of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils. These reports are vital for disseminating specific cases, educational practices, methodologies, or design concepts within these fields. To maintain the quality and relevance of Experience Reports, we have updated the submission guidelines as follows:

  1. Abstract: Prepare a concise abstract of no more than 250 words, summarizing key aspects of your experience, including context, objectives, key findings, and implications.

  2. Introduction: Set the context for your Experience Report. Include a brief literature review outlining relevant prior work or educational practices related to your case, methodology, or design concept. Highlight the gap or unique perspective your report addresses.

  3. Experience Report Description: Present a detailed and structured description of the experience or case. Offer a clear account of the context, objectives, methods employed, outcomes, or observations. Share insights, challenges, and lessons learned.

  4. Discussion and Conclusion: Reflect on the significance of your experience and its implications. Discuss key takeaways, innovations, or best practices derived from your report. Summarize your findings and conclude by emphasizing the broader relevance or potential impact on health, aromatherapy, and biological sciences.

  5. References: Use a standardized citation style (e.g., NLM) for all references.

  • Word Limit: Experience Reports should not exceed 1,500 words to ensure brevity and conciseness.

  • Tables and Figures: Use tables, figures, and references judiciously to enhance the clarity and relevance of your report.

  • Author Limits: No restrictions on the number of authors.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your Experience Report provides valuable insights and reflections, contributing effectively to the scholarly discourse in the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils.

Medical Hyphoteses

The Medical Hypotheses section of the BJHAE is a unique platform dedicated to theoretical studies and novel ideas in human and animal health, particularly focusing on the innovative applications of aromatherapy and essential oils. This section aims to publish papers that present groundbreaking concepts and speculations in health science, especially those that may not align with the paradigms of more conventional journals.

Updated Submission Guidelines:

  1. Abstract: Prepare a concise abstract, limited to 250 words, outlining the theoretical concept or hypothesis, its significance, and supporting evidence.

  2. Introduction: Introduce the context and background for your medical hypothesis. Explain existing knowledge or theories that your hypothesis builds upon or challenges.

  3. Hypothesis: Clearly articulate your medical hypothesis or theoretical concept. Emphasize its novelty and potential significance in health sciences, particularly in the context of aromatherapy and essential oils.

  4. How to Test this Hypothesis?: Describe methods, experiments, or approaches to test or validate your hypothesis. Provide a clear plan for investigating your theoretical concept.

  5. Future Perspectives: Discuss the potential implications and directions for future research. Highlight expected contributions to the field and possible further experimentation.

  6. References: Use a standardized citation style (e.g., NLM) for all sources cited.

  • Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed 1,500 words to maintain focus and conciseness.

  • Tables and Figures: Use tables, figures, and references judiciously to clarify and support your hypothesis.

  • Author Limits: No restrictions on the number of authors.

By adhering to these guidelines, contributors can effectively communicate innovative theoretical concepts and hypotheses in the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils. This encourages the exploration and development of novel ideas in health science, fostering a diverse and forward-thinking academic discourse.

Clinical Case Reports

In the field of health, particularly within the realms of aromatherapy and essential oil therapy, Clinical Case Reports play a crucial role in sharing innovative treatments, novel applications, and unique patient responses. The Brazilian Journal of Health, Aromatherapy and Essential Oil (BJHAE) invites detailed and insightful submissions of such cases, emphasizing the therapeutic benefits, challenges, and learnings that these natural therapies offer.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Structure: Clinical Case Reports should adhere to the following format:

    • Abstract: Limit the abstract to 250 words, summarizing key aspects of the case, especially its relevance in the context of aromatherapy and essential oils.
    • Introduction: The introduction should include a literature review highlighting existing knowledge in aromatherapy and essential oils, similar cases, or relevant research. Emphasize the unique contribution or gap your case report addresses.
    • Case Report Description: Provide a comprehensive description of the clinical case, detailing patient history, specific aromatherapy or essential oil treatments used, clinical findings, outcomes, and any follow-up.
    • Discussion and Conclusion: Analyze the significance of the case in the context of aromatherapy and essential oils, discussing its clinical implications and lessons learned. Conclude with the key takeaways.
    • References: List all cited sources in a standardized citation style (e.g., NLM).
  • Word Limit: Reports should not exceed 1,500 words. If including a literature review, the combined limit is 3,000 words.

  • Tables, Figures, and References: No strict limits. Authors should use these to enhance clarity and relevance, particularly in illustrating the therapeutic use of aromatherapy and essential oils.

  • Author Limits: No restrictions on the number of authors.

Literature Review:

  • Authors are encouraged to provide a comprehensive literature review related to the case focus, especially in the context of aromatherapy and essential oil therapy. This review should broaden the understanding of the case and its implications in this specialized field.

By adhering to these guidelines, contributors can significantly advance the understanding of Clinical Case Reports in the fields of aromatherapy and essential oils, enriching the scientific discourse with their unique insights and experiences.

Clinical Images

The Clinical Images section of the BJHAE is devoted to presenting compelling and informative clinical images that pertain to the unique areas of aromatherapy and essential oil therapy in both human and animal health. The primary goal of Clinical Images is to vividly capture and clarify the distinctive features inherent to the clinical scenarios depicted, emphasizing the therapeutic use and effects of aromatherapy and essential oils.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Focus: Clinical Images should exclusively highlight the aspects of the clinical image(s) presented, aiming to provide a clear, informative visual representation of relevant clinical scenarios in aromatherapy and essential oil therapy.

  • Structure: Clinical Images submissions should not be divided into sections. The focus should be on the image and its descriptive commentary.

  • Word Limit: The accompanying text for Clinical Images should not exceed 500 words. This concise text must offer context and essential information relating to the image.

  • Figures: Each submission may include one figure that vividly illustrates the clinical scenario. Tables are not permitted in this format.

  • References: A maximum of 5 references are allowed, providing background and contextual information about the clinical scenario.

  • Author Limits: No restrictions on the number of authors.

Review and Evaluation:

  • Submissions will undergo review for relevance, clarity, and the image's effectiveness in conveying significant clinical information related to aromatherapy and essential oils.

Image Quality:

  • The submitted clinical image must be of high quality, with sufficient resolution and clarity to depict the therapeutic context clearly.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Submissions must adhere to ethical standards and patient privacy regulations, including obtaining patient consent where necessary.


  • Each image should include a descriptive caption succinctly explaining the clinical scenario or relevant details, particularly highlighting aspects related to aromatherapy and essential oils.

By following these guidelines, contributors can effectively share important clinical information through vivid and informative images, enhancing the understanding of various health scenarios, especially as they relate to aromatherapy and essential oil therapies in the medical and veterinary fields.


Perspectives articles in BJHAE offer a option for authors to discuss broad viewpoints, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, or reflections on current trends and future directions within the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils. These articles aim to stimulate scholarly debate, offer insights into emerging areas of research, and propose new frameworks or models for understanding complex issues. Here are the detailed guidelines for submitting Perspectives articles to BJHAE:

  1. Abstract: Provide a clear and concise abstract of up to 250 words, summarizing the main arguments, insights, and conclusions of your article. The abstract should highlight the article's contribution to the field and its significance.

  2. Introduction: Offer a broad overview of the topic, including its relevance and significance to the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils. Articulate the central thesis or argument and set the context for the ensuing discussion.

  3. Discussion: This section forms the core of your article. Present your viewpoints, supported by evidence and references, in a coherent and logical manner. Discuss the implications of your viewpoints, how they relate to or challenge existing knowledge, and their potential impact on future research or practice.

  4. Case Examples or Illustrative Scenarios: If applicable, include case examples, scenarios, or practical illustrations to demonstrate the real-world relevance or application of the ideas presented.

  5. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed, reinforcing the significance of the perspectives offered. Highlight potential implications for practice, policy, or further research.

  6. References: Cite all sources used in the article following a standardized citation style. Ensure all references are accurate and complete to enable readers to locate the original sources.

Word Limit: Perspectives articles should be concise yet comprehensive, ideally not exceeding 2,500 words.

Tables and Figures: Use tables and figures sparingly and only if they contribute significantly to the understanding of the article. Ensure they are high quality, clearly labeled, and accompanied by descriptive captions.

Authorship: Perspectives articles can be authored by one or more individuals. Include a brief bio for each author, highlighting their expertise and affiliation.

Submission Process: Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system, including all necessary files and documents. Follow the journal's specific instructions for submission, including formatting and accompanying documents.

Review Process: Perspectives articles will undergo a peer-review process, ensuring they meet the journal's standards for quality and relevance.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors can contribute valuable insights and stimulate meaningful discourse in the field through their Perspectives articles in BJHAE.

Letter to Editor and Commentary

Letters to the Editor and Commentary, in response to articles published in the BJHAE in the last or penultimate edition, are highly valued for fostering a dynamic and interactive academic discourse. These should be submitted electronically as conventional manuscripts via the journal’s website.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Structure: Letters to the Editor are unstructured and must begin with "Dear Editor" or "Sir/Madam," depending on the preference.

  • Word Limit: Letters should be concise, not exceeding 500 words. They should provide insightful commentary or constructive critique related to the content of the recently published articles.

  • Tables and Figures: The inclusion of tables or figures is not permitted in Letters to the Editor. The emphasis is on text-based communication.

  • Authorship: A maximum of 2 authors is allowed for each Letter to the Editor.

  • References: Up to 5 references can be included to support the statements or viewpoints presented in the letter.

  • Evaluation Process: Letters to the Editor will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief rather than undergoing a peer review process. They will also be shown to the authors of the original article when appropriate, to provide an opportunity for dialogue or clarification.

  • Article Processing Charge: There is no Article Processing Charge for Letters to the Editor submissions.

By submitting a Letters to the Editor and Commentary, contributors can engage in the ongoing conversations within the fields of health, aromatherapy, and essential oils, offering perspectives, clarifications, or additional insights related to articles published in BJHAE. This platform encourages a vibrant exchange of ideas and fosters a deeper understanding of the subjects discussed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.