About the Journal

Aim and Scope

The Brazilian Journal of Health Aromatherapy and Essential Oil (BJHAE) (ISSN 2965-7253) is a continuous flow, peer-reviewed international scientific journal committed to advancing knowledge and promoting research excellence in the fields of aromatherapy and essential oils. The primary audience includes researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, and practitioners with an interest in aromatherapy, essential oils, and related fields. The journal aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and contribute to the global knowledge base in complementary and alternative medicine.

Focus Areas:

  1. Aromatherapy Research: Original research articles that investigate the therapeutic applications, mechanisms, and efficacy of aromatherapy in various health and wellness contexts.
  2. Essential Oil Chemistry and Pharmacology: Contributions exploring the chemical composition, extraction methods, and pharmacological properties of essential oils derived from plants, emphasizing their potential therapeutic uses.
  3. Clinical Applications: Clinical studies and trials evaluating the effectiveness and safety of aromatherapy and essential oils in managing specific health conditions, including but not limited to mental health, pain management, and skin disorders.
  4. Biological and Mechanistic Studies: Investigations into the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the effects of aromatherapy and essential oils on the human body and other biological systems.
  5. Quality Control and Standardization: Research focusing on the standardization, quality control, and safety aspects of aromatherapy products and essential oils, including regulatory considerations.
  6. Ethnobotany and Traditional Knowledge: Exploration of the historical and cultural use of aromatherapy and essential oils, as well as the integration of traditional knowledge into contemporary scientific understanding.
  7. Veterinary Medicine: Analysis of the use of essential oils in veterinary medicine, highlighting the combination of ancestral knowledge with current scientific perspectives.
  8. Integrative Medicine: Demonstrate the use of Integrative and Complementary Practices, including acupuncture, auriculotherapy, biodance, phytotherapy, among others, with the integration of current scientific techniques to confirm their effectiveness

Frequency of Publication: The BJHAE is published in a continuous flow, providing a regular and timely dissemination of cutting-edge research and developments in aromatherapy and essential oil studies.

Editorial Policies: The BJHAE adheres to the ethical guidelines set forth by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The journal follows a rigorous peer-review process, employing a double-blind review system to ensure unbiased and impartial evaluation. Authors are expected to comply with ethical standards regarding research conduct, authorship, and data reporting.

The journal features the following sections:

  • Original research;
  • Case Reports;
  • Clinical Images;
  • Experience Reports;
  • Health Review and Mini-Review;
  • Medical Hypotheses;
  • Letter to Editor (Correspondence or Comments).

Article Processing Charges (APC)

All articles published in BJHAE are open access and freely accessible online immediately upon publication. The Article Processing Charge (APC) is necessary to support the expenses associated with various journal publishing functions. For BJHAE, the APC is set at USD 150.00. Notably, there are no charges for submitting a Letter to the Editor, and no fees are applied for the submission or processing of articles that are subsequently rejected. Additionally, there are no surcharges based on the composition of the article, such as color figures or the number of pages. We aim to ensure that the dissemination of research in the field of aromatherapy and essential oils remains accessible and equitable.

Scientific Mission

Our mission is to promote the dissemination of high-quality scientific knowledge in the fields of aromatherapy and essential oils. We are committed to providing an inclusive platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to shan innovative findings, original research, and case studies that advance the global understanding of these disciplines.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at bjharomatherapyessentialoil@gmail.com.